As time goes on we are all getting older and living longer. This is truer in Werrington than most other places as we have around twice the national average of older folk. By the same token we have nearly twice as many people with illnesses, people who are lonely and possibly up to 2,000 people caring for loved ones who need support and respite. Some carers are youngsters still at school.

We also need to nurture the next generation and as a result we provide a full range of mum & baby facilities and are addressing the loneliness issue by providing a Coffee Stop for all ages every morning.

We all have a duty of care to others and following the success of the Patients Participation Group based at the Werrington Village Surgery which is next door, we took the step to save the library from certain closure by taking it over as volunteers and, whilst maintaining the full library service, re-aligning the building to incorporate a Wellbeing Centre, the first of its kind in the UK.

We are all unpaid volunteers and we have to raise our own funds to survive, to progress and ensure that we have a sustainable future and this is where you could help. If you would like to help us with a donation, no matter how small, or would like to do some fundraising for us give David a call on 01782 302019 or e-mail – [email protected] – and join our People Power Project.