This partnership project between Moorside High School and the Werrington Young Persons Support Group has proved to be a  great success with more senior citizens that ever attending the last course. Visitors are taught by pupils on a one-to-one basis  with the four week course giving a basic grounding into computer operation including e-mailing, word processing, surfing the internet and powerpoint presentations. The courses are organised by the pupils themselves and form part of their Citizenship Course Work. Support Group Coordinator Jean Fryer said that once again she was delighted
with the response – “Each time we  run a course it is wonderful to see the pleasure on the “computer pupils” faces as the “Moorside pupils” show how easy it is to open up a whole new world of communication. In addition to tuition the pupils also help the Silver Surfers with any specific computer problems they might bring and help and advise in any way they can.

To book in contact Jean on 01782 304890.