The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) concludes that sugar should account for no more than 5% of total energy intake, however on average people are getting 12-15% of their energy from sugar, increasing the risk of weight gain and other health problems. Easter could well have been a time for the over consumption of sugar, with the Easter Bunny bringing too many chocolate eggs!

The success to long term weight loss is balance, so allowing yourself a little tempting treat is really important because it keeps that balance in check. And of course, filling up on lots of tasty, healthy and filling food will make it easier to enjoy that treat – whatever it may be – without over-indulging. With Slimming World, no food is off limits, which means you can still celebrate Easter with hearty lamb roast dinners, delicious fish dishes and, of course, a little chocolate.

Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan allows slimmers to satisfy their appetite on filling foods that are low in energy density like pasta, rice, potatoes, fruit and vegetables, lean meat, poultry, fish and more – meaning they need never go hungry and are free to enjoy a treat every now and then without feeling guilty.

Obesity in the UK is at an all-time high with two out of three adults in the UK overweight or obese. So the demand for a healthy weight loss programme that offers real solutions to individuals, families and whole communities through a supportive approach based on sound principles has never been greater.

Our approach is based on a deep understanding of the psychology of slimmers. We believe that the burden carried by overweight people is two-fold. There is excess weight, but there is a far heavier burden to be lifted – that of guilt, self-criticism and poor self-esteem.

We help people to shed the misery of excess weight, supporting members to lead happier, more fulfilling and healthier lives. Through an understanding and compassionate approach, we help members to develop the motivation, confidence and mutual support they need in order to make healthy and highly effective lifestyle changes for life.

Alongside a Healthy Eating plan, we also encourage our members to move more, a plan we call Body Magic a unique programme designed to inspire and support members to become more active. It has been developed to take the threat out of activity, to build members’ confidence and help them to develop more active routines that stay with them and become an intrinsic part of their life. From gardening to dancing, walking, running and cycling everyone is encouraged to find their own personal, enjoyable and fun way of increasing their activity levels to recommended levels for optimum weight loss and improved health.